Discover the power of traditional Chinese medicine and cosmetics

Our studio for Chinese massage and cosmetics in Berlin offers traditional Chinese healing and cosmetic treatments since September 2009. In our cosmetic treatments we combine the teaching of meridian lines with the massage of acupuncture points, because we believe that inner health reflects the appearance of the skin.
Our therapists are trained in acupressure, deep tissue massage and other techniques to release tension and promote relaxation. We value each individual client and are dedicated to providing personalized care.
Our goal is to improve overall well-being through quality, holistic treatments in our welcoming and tranquil studio.


Chinese cosmetics

Skin and internal organs influence each other.

Problems of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys become noticeable in the face. They can express themselves in dark or pale face color, in spots or acne.

Chinese cosmetics is the combination of the teaching of the meridian lines that run on the face with the massage of acupuncture points. It stimulates blood circulation, promotes cell metabolism and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. This results in a fresh, healthy complexion.
This magnificently confirms the centuries-old Chinese experience in the use of herbal remedies in facial cosmetics.

中式按摩 特点

The special feature of Chinese massage

The masseuse works with the Qi [pronounced „tchi“] (气). Along the meridians, she massages the acupuncture points, causing the flow of qi, stopping the pain.

Along the meridians, it massages the acupuncture points, causing the flow of Qi, stopping pain and releasing tension. The blood circulation is stimulated. Thus, health can be maintained and long life can be achieved.

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